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Cavallini S., Soldi R., Bisogni F. (2021) “The Role of Local and Regional Authorities in Achieving a European Education Area by 2025

Committente: European Committee of the Regions
Periodo: 2021
URL: The Role of Local and Regional Authorities in Achieving a European Education Area by 2025

This study identifies, analyses and categorises educational and training (ET) initiatives implemented by local and regional authorities (LRAs) across the European Union (EU). LRAs’ responsibility in education and training varies importantly among Member States, but the evidence gathered through this study tells a story of active contribution of the subnational level to the achievement of a European Education Area (EEA). [This report was commissioned by the European Committee of the Regions, SEDEC (Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture). Additional corporate authors include Fondazione FORMIT and Progress Consulting Srl].