Studi CoR
- The new European Bauhaus at the local and regional level
- The Future of Regional Smart Specialisation Strategies: Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient”
- “Territorial foresight study in addressing the digital divide and promoting digital cohesion”
- The local implementation of the Reinforced Youth Guarantee”
- How can local and regional authorities use World Heritage agricultural landscapes as a tool for enhancing the economic and social sustainability of rural areas?”
- “The Challenges of the European Child Guarantee at Regional and Local Level”
- The state of digital transformation at regional level and COVID-19 induced changes to economy and business models, and their consequences for regions”
- “The Role of Local and Regional Authorities in Achieving a European Education Area by 2025”
- “The role of local and regional authorities in making food systems more sustainable”
- Addressing brain drain: the local and regional dimension
- How to design cultural development strategies to boost local and regional competitiveness and comparative advantage: overview of good practices
- “Sustainable Forest Management in Regions”
- “Consumer protection”
- Horizon 2020 and the Local and Regional Authorities
- Youth initiative: a framework for youth entrepreneurship
- “Mid-term evaluation of the first priority domain of the European Action Plan for Organic Food and Farming”
- A New Skills Agenda for Europe
- Using the Quadruple Helix Approach to Accelerate the Transfer of Research and Innovation Results to Regional Growth
- Linking the Digital Agenda to rural and sparsely populated areas to boost their growth potential
- Towards a new update of the Digital Agenda and creation of the Digital Single Market: challenges and opportunities for Local and Regional Authorities in the European Union
- Development of Digital Criteria for European Commission Impact Assessments