Fondazione per la Ricerca sulla Migrazione e Integrazione delle Tecnologie


Since 1985, FORMIT Foundation performs scientific research, technical support, analysis and industrial, financial and socio-economic evaluation to sustain migration processes and the integration of technological systems in every field of society.

FORMIT activities aim at supporting Governments and Public Administrations in Italy and in foreign countries, National and European Parliaments, the European Commission, the European Committee of the Regions and the United Nations Economic and Social  Council.

The Foundation cooperates with important European Universities and Research Institutes  to promote economic exploitation of results and technological development, also throught the establishment of spin-off companies. FORMIT promotes synergies between institutional investments and venture capital, aiming at realising structural and project activities of high technological content.

In 2004 the UN Economic and Social Council granted consultative status to FORMIT in recognition of its actions related to technological innovation to sustain socioeconomic development.

FORMIT Foundation acts on a non-profit basis and promotes institutional projects linked to innovation and  technology transfer; it realises socioeconomic surveys.

The activity of our experts aims at a better and more effective use of technological innovation by Public Administrations; our experts perform specific supporting actions in modernisation processes, including reorganisation and project activities.

Studies, development models and best practices are carried out to support definition of  public policies in the fields of technological research & development and innovation.

FORMIT competences related to analysis and technical, functional, economic and organizational evaluation of  technological systems are available to  organisations and enterprises that want to use them in order to improve their organisational efficiency and the effectiveness of their actions.


As a guarantee for its partners, FORMIT has adopted a code of ethics to ensure transparency and independence towards any third party. The Foundation is economically independent from any public or private contribution or financing and its accounts are subjected to voluntary audit.


Formit Foundation is based on the following main points:

Guarantee of absolute impartiality and absence of conditioning of any kind in carrying out the interventions. The Foundation is not economically dependent on public or private contributions or financing and its budgets are subject to voluntary certification;

Possession of all the technical, quality and safety certifications necessary for the provision of services, even in classified contexts.


The Institutions and Organisations, at a national and international level, with which the Foundation collaborates are many: