Impact assessment and recommendations for new policies
Contracting Party: Committee of the Regions (CoR) (under framework contract no. CDR/2021/C3/1/SEDEC/LOT2/1)
Period: 2024
Contracting Party: Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (AgID)
Period: 2023
Contracting Party: Comitato Europeo delle Regioni (CdR) (all’interno del contratto quadro n. CDR/2021/C3/1/SEDEC/LOT2/1)
Period: 2022-2023
URL: The Future of Regional Smart Specialisation Strategies: Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient
Contracting Party: European Committee of the Regions (CoR) (within the framework contract no. CDR/2021/C3/1/SEDEC/LOT2/1)
Period: 2022-2023
URL: The New European Bauhaus at the local and regional level
Contracting Party: European Commission, Joint Research Center (JRC)
Period: 2022-2023
Contracting Party: European Committee of the Regions (CdR) (within the framework contract no. CDR/TL2/59/2017/1)
Period: 2021-2022
URL: The local implementation of the Reinforced Youth Guarantee
Contracting Party: European Committee of the Regions (CdR) (within the framework contract no. CDR/TL2/59/2017/1)
Period: 2021-2022