AMLETO - Assessing security and increasing Maturity LEvel of Transport Operators to strengthen critical infrastructure protection

Contracting Party: European Commission - Directorate General Home Affairs




AMLETO project aims to strengthen Critical Infrastructure Protection in the transport sector by assessing security awareness and increasing maturity level of transport operators.  The project target consists of EU-28 operators in the 5 transport sub-sectors as defined by the Council Directive 2008/114/EC: Road, Rail, Air, Inland Waterways and Ocean and Short-Sea shipping and Ports.

In detail, the project purposes and main activities are:

  1. Offer a picture of the existing national and European CIP policies and standards in security in the 5 transport sub-sectors
  2. Understand to what extent the belonging to a specific sub-sector, the components of the supply chain can have an impact on security awareness of the operators
  3. Define the concepts of security awareness and maturity level for transport operators and assess them
  4. Elaborate the AMLETO benchmarking tool to allow  transport operators to assess their security awareness and maturity levels, their distance from CIP standards and other operators belonging to the same sub-sector and to collect information related to their requirements to improve security awareness and maturity
  5. Elaborate sub-sectoral guidelines for transport operators and identify best practices
  6. Suggest incentives and policies to be set up by national and European decision makers
  7. Develop synergies between transport operators and foster best practices exchange.

The project is led by FORMIT and conducted together with Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón (Spain) and CIGEST, Cento de investigação em gestão, (Portugal).