EPIC – European Partnership for Information and Communication security and resilience

Contracting Party: ENISA – European Network Information Security Agency




EPIC is a research project aimed at studying experiences and opportunities of public-private partnerships in the security and resilience field in Europe with a special focus on the role of information and communication in several economic sectors and domains.

In order to understand how public private partnerships may increase security and resilience of information and communication different direct data collection tools has been designed in order understand perspectives of actors belonging to economic sectors (i.e. telecommunications, information technology, transport, energy, health, finance) and to public administrations.

In particular, through the realization of an online survey and interviews, the EPIC project aims at:

  • Understanding the level of information and communication security and resilience of  the addressed sectors and public administrations taking into account also the involvement in European initiatives aimed to improve information and communication security and resilience;
  • Assessing the experiences in Public Private Partnerships (PPP) among operators of telecommunications, information technology, transport, energy, health and finance sectors and public administrations;
  • Identifying the key-features of a Public Private Partnerships (PPP) aimed to improve information and communication security and resilience.