SIMULAB – Simulation Laboratory for the development of aeronautics programmes

Contracting Party: Campania Region



SIMULAB (Simulation Laboratory for the development of aeronautics programmes) is a project of cooperative technological transfer and first industrialization for high-potential innovative companies, funded through Campania Region’s call for proposal so-called “Sportello dell’Innovazione”. This call is part of Campania Regional Operative Programme FESR 2007-2013.

Project partners are DAC (Campania Aerospace Cluster) being an innovative SME, and FORMIT as a research organization.

The project’s aim is to design and realize an IT platform, working as a demonstrator, that could secure both development and knowledge sharing  to solve shared technological and planning issues, together  with the opportunity to facilitate learning processes and interdisciplinary training of personnel  engaged in projects of companies, being DAC members. The idea is to transfer the platform in other technological sectors with the same complexity.

SIMULAB is thought as an IT system to able to make available, at enabled users of  the DAC members , a set of applicative services to manage some of the Product Lifecycle Management phases , as part of the  hi-tech aerospace components life cycle (hereafter called Products).

Some others project’s objectives are:

  • Dissemination of methodologies and knowledge in different aspects of the design and production in the Supply Chain point of view.
  • Establishment of a management environment for projects and its data, useful for information exchange and sharing.
  • Definition of a tool to organize training plans for technical personnel.
  • Technical, economical and financial management of companies which work on different projects.
  • Development of new technologies.
  • Youth professional training and lifelong learning of workers.